Observing realities: Women deprived of liberty in the wonder city
Presence of military spaces in large urban centers: The case of La Paz
Issue 34 | December 2023 Military forces in Bolivia. | Urban development versus military activity in urban areas. | Refunctionalization of military zones: The international experience. | Spatial quantification of military spaces in La Paz. | Characterization of the presence of military spaces in La Paz. | Conclusions and policy recommendations. | Bibliography
Read moreRégimen Cambiario en Bolivia: Implicaciones sobre el crecimiento y el empleo
El contexto boliviano ha cambiado | Análisis basado en el modelo MEGC | Escenarios | Principales hallazgos | Reflexiones finales.
Read moreBrechas laborales por género en las zonas urbanas de Bolivia: Pre, durante y post pandemia
Nº 32 – December 2022 By: Beatriz Muriel H. CONTENT Introduction Labor force dynamics by gender Occupational dynamics To conclude Bibliography
Read moreImpacto y recuperación económica ante el shock de la pandemia: perspectiva del contrafactual
Nº 31 – August 2022 By: Gover Barja CONTENT What was the shock of the pandemic really? Are We resuming growth or continuing in recovery? The accumulated global and sectoral economic loss Conclusions Bibliography
Read moreAmérica Latina ante las realidades de la nueva época
Nº 30 – March 2021 By: Enrique García Rodríguez CONTENT Reference frame Latin America on the international scene Some indicators of regional development level The main causes of the Latin American lag Need for a renewed strategy with a holistic approach Priority action fields Final thought Bibliography
Read moreLas condiciones internacionales después de la pandemia
Nº 29 – February 2021 By: Juan Antonio Morales CONTENT International commodities prices The outlook for capital movements The medium-term recovery Conclusions
Read moreFluctuaciones económicas en Bolivia: Analizando cambios de régimen
Nro. 28 – Enero de 2019 CONTENIDO Un contexto cambiante ¿Existieron cambios de régimen en la economía boliviana? ¿Cómo influyen los cambios de régimen en la política monetaria?
Read moreDescentralización en Bolivia: Eficacia y Externalidades
Nro. 27 – Diciembre de 2018 CONTENIDO Un nuevo contexto para el desarrollo de la descentralización ¿Cambio la centralización los patrones de inversión local? ¿Fue coherente el cambio de patrón en la inversión municipal con las necesidades legales? ¿Existe un patrón espacial en las asignaciones del programa Bolivia Cambia? ¿Ha …
Read moreAnálisis de la Desigualdad de Largo Plazo en Bolivia, 1976 – 2012
Nº 26 – November 2018 CONTENT Breaking down the evolution of inequality ISE evolution Inequality analysis Gini breakdown Conclusions
Read moreRent – Seeking y Alta Dependencia de Recursos Naturales: El caso de Bolivia
Nº 25 – October 2018 CONTENT Trends in Bolivia What is rent-seeking? Rent-seeking in Bolivia Conclusions and recommendations
Read moreCaracterísticas y Desarrollo de la Economía Popular: Un Modelo Formal con Evidencia Etnográfica
Nº 24 – October 2018 CONTENT Economic power in Popular Economy Prosperous and educated actors in the Popular Economy A Theoretical Model for Popular Economics The actors of the Popular Economy: ethnographic evidence. Conclusiones y recomendaciones
Read moreSituación Productiva y Laboral de Oruro
Nº 23th – May 2017 Performance of Oruro’s Production Employment, Income and Productivity
Read morePrograma Pasantías del Embajador en INESAD
Nº 22 – november 2016 The Ambassador Internship Program at INESAD A win-win program INESAD’s Ambassador Interns 2014-2016 Impressions from former Ambassador Interns The cultural experiences of an Ambassador Intern in Bolivia Financing of the Ambassador Internship Program
Read moreEl ABC del Desarrollo en Bolivia
Nº 21st – october 2016 El ABC del desarrollo en Bolivia Multidimensional development Who would have thought? Bolivia’s achievements in different dimensions of development Where are the households lacking basic social services? Map of municipalities with the greatest challenges in the provision of basic social services Did you know that …
Read more¿Estamos preparados para afrontar inundaciones?
Nº 20th – jun – 2016 Risk and Exposure to Floods in Latin America and the Caribbean. Early Warning Systems (SAT) to cope with Inuncations. Geographic and Social Context of Bolivia, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic in the Face of Flood Risk. Common Issues and Lessons Learned.
Read moreLa Dinámica del Cambio Climático en Bolivia
Nº 19 – Jun – 2015 The climate change challenge Climate variability vs. climate change Different climate change scenarios PRECIS Water in a warmer world Climate change impacts on agriculture Disasters and infrastructure Climate change impacts on biodiversity Climate change and health Direct and indirect dynamic effects Smart climate change …
Read moreSituación Productiva y Laboral de Cochabamba
Nº 18 – May – 2015 Production Unemployment Employment and Labor Income
Read moreAgua en Las Ciudades de La Paz y El Alto
Nº 17 – April – 2015 Growing water shortages How do we use the water? Where does the water that we use come from? Water sources in La Paz Water sources in El Alto Where does the water we use go? What do we pay for? Who pays and how …
Read moreTransformaciones Demográficas y Planificación
Nº 16 – March – 2015 Demographic transitions Their impacts on the labor market, education services and the provision of public services for the older generation. Intergenerational accounting The growing pressure on cities
Read morePolítica Fiscal: Una Perspectiva Desde Los Impuestos
Nº 15 – October – 2014 Taxes in the Bolivian fiscal policy Effective tax rate calculations in Bolivia Consumption tax rate Effective tax rate on labor income Effective capital tax rate Two-dimensional Laffer curve for Bolivia
Read more6ta. Conferencia Boliviana en Desarrollo Económico
Nº 14 – September – 2014 Hans Rosling “Progress in Bolivia from a global perspective”. Augusto de la Torre “From recipes to pragmatism”. Enrique García “The challenges of development in Latin America”. Tyler Cowen “What are the main development issues in Bolivia?” Round table: “Growth with equity: the role of …
Read moreTrabajos Dignos: Una Dimensión Central del Desarrollo
Nº 13 – September – 2014 What are decent jobs? What is the situation of decent jobs in Bolivia? EMINPRO: A proposal to work for RED towards the creation of decent jobs
Read moreImportancia de La Dimensión Espacial en El Desarrollo
Nº 12- May-2014 Space and development Regional economy Regional development in Bolivia Determinants of regional development Need for a regional policy
Read moreDeterminan La Vulnerabilidad y La Resilencia
Nº 11- March-2014 We live in a dangerous world Livelihood diversification as a risk coping strategy A typology of vulnerability and resilience Measuring diversification Bolivian households have become less vulnerable over the last decade Factors associated with high vulnerability A look into peri-urban vulnerability
Read moreSimpachamama Un Juego Para Vivir Bien en Armonía con La Naturaleza
Nº 9-August-2013 What is SimPachamama? How to use SimPachamama? The joint mitigation and adaptation mechanism There are no universal recipes Happy Pachamama Policies at SimPachamama The importance of international funding Billions for Bolivia every four years Deforestation fines and taxes Training and workshops More about SimPachamama A team of researchers
Read moreThe Drivers, Causes and Actors Of Deforestation in Bolivia
N° 8-Jun-2013 Mechanisms for reducing deforestation Forests, agriculture and cattle ranching The actors involved in deforestation Why is there still so much forest left in Bolivia? Policies that might increase or decrease deforestation rates Bolivia´s Joint Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanism Conclusions and recommendations References
Read moreExperiencia Coreana en Desarrollo Económico: Lecciones Para Bolivia
N° 7-May-2013 Looking eastward South Korea and Bolivia: similarities and differences Thinking in the long term The great commercial opening Promoting innovation Making sacrifices Lessons to learn
Read moreEmployment and Labor Regulation: Evidence From Manufacturing Firms in Bolivia, 1988 – 2007
N° 6-February-2013 Context Research Key Findings Conclusions Policy Implications, Recommendations
Read moreLos Países Andinos
N° 5-January-2013 The Andean Glaciers The PRAA project Climate Change Implications Assessment Courses in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador Ten steps for estimating climate change impacts Research proposals Conclusions and recommendations
Read moreEmpleo y Regulación Laboral
N° 4-September-2012 Employment in the current situation Social and Regulatory Welfare: Kuznets Curve Employment and labor costs resulting from regulation
Read moreCuentas Ambientales en Bolivia
N° 3-August-2012 National Environmental Accounts Nature’s contribution to various production sectors Revenues and taxes on natural resources Environmentally adjusted PIB Productive capital From forest to agriculture Recommendations for future research
Read moreMecanismos de Reducción en Deforestación
N° 1-Jun-2012 Forests vs. agriculture The REDD international mechanism OSIRIS Applications – Bolivia and CISS What could be achieved in Bolivia by means of $1 billion earmarked for reducing deforestation? Co-benefits Deforestation taxes Conclusions
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