Welcome to the PUBLIC DEBATE project.
“To get out of poverty, you must get out of ignorance first.”
The INESAD Foundation is convinced that knowledge is one of the fundamental pillars for sustainable socioeconomic development. In this sense, INESAD seeks to empower society with truthful and objective information and analysis, based on science and evidence, for the exercise of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
The DEBATE PÚBLICO project represents an initiative in this direction, where analysis documents and public policy proposals (policy briefs) are prepared and entitled AGENDA INTELIGENTE (SMART AGENDA). These inputs are carried out by expert researchers with extensive experience, knowledge and expertise in the topics covered, under the ethical and quality standards of the Foundation’s products, to ensure the rigor and objectivity of the narratives. In addition, the project is complemented by the development of a series of spaces for dialogue with the various social actors.
The INESAD Foundation has carried out two programs within the framework of the project:
- ELECTORAL PLATFORMS: Developed under the auspices and mentoring of Faro Group (Ecuador) during 2018. The result was a series of dialogue events and five thematic analysis documents on sustainable socioeconomic development grouped in the Smart Agenda for the Development of Bolivia.
- ANALYSIS OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS AND PUBLIC POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS: Together with Konrad-Adenauer Fundation(KAS) during the 2020 administration; with the debate of several topics of the public policy proposals of the government programs presented for the 2020 General Elections in Bolivia, and the elaboration of new documents entitled: Intelligent Agenda for the Debate of Public Policies in Bolivia.
- INCLUSIVE PUBLIC DEBATE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BOLIVIA:During the 2020 administration; in the period leading up to the General Elections, the INESAD Foundation developed a set of analyses of different growth and economic issues together with the different Government Programs with the aim of contributing to civil society, published under a new series of documents entitled: Letter to Bolivians for the Development of the Country, together with a series of infographics and webinars.