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Sebol - The Society of Economists in Bolivia  

Economists Society in Bolivia (Sebol) is born as a scientific partnership initiative of a group of economists dedicated to Bolivian scholarship and economic research. Its main objective is the promotion of economic research in all its branches with special attention to those that generate lessons applicable to the Bolivian economy.

The specific objectives of the Sebol are:

  • Promote and publicize scientific research in economics. In particular, work that yields lessons applicable to the Bolivian economy
  • Promote the free exchange of ideas in all areas of economics. (The Sebol not take political positions and forced its members to follow specific lines of economic thought.)
  • Attract and bind to Bolivian economists dedicated to scholarship and research around the world through academic activities such as the Annual Meeting of Economists Bolivianos.
  • Promote and negotiate with the government laws, regulations and ordinances that support the development of teaching and research in economics in Bolivia.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with national and foreign entities engaged in activities similar in nature.

· · · NOTICIAS · · ·


"The Society of Economists in Bolivia is the first institution in Bolivia to be accepted as a member of the International Economic Association (IEA)." pdf


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