Home / Parties / Farewell to Alejandra Goytia, and INESAD Best Blog Award, February 2018

Farewell to Alejandra Goytia, and INESAD Best Blog Award, February 2018

Friday the 23rd of February was Alejandra Goytia’s last day at INESAD, as she is off to Santiago de Chile to do a Masters in Economics at Universidad de Chile, with a full Academic Excellence Scholarship (http://www.econ.uchile.cl/es/noticia/resultados-beca-excelencia-academica-2018). We all wish her an exciting and stimulating year there, certain that she will represent both Bolivia and INESAD well.

Farewell to Alejandra Goytia, who is on her way to Chile.
Farewell to Alejandra Goytia, who is on her way to Chile.

We also used the opportunity to carry out the INESAD Best Blog Award ceremony, in which our INESAD Owl Trophy gets handed over to the author of the most read blog of last year. By far the most read blog of 2017 was “Algunas cifras actuales sobre la violencia contra las mujeres en Bolivia” written by Boris Branisa. The post had more than 10 thousand views, highlighting the widespread concerns about domestic and sexual violence against women in Bolivia.

Boris winning the INESAD Owl Trophy for the most read blog of 2017.
Boris winning the INESAD Owl Trophy for the most read blog of 2017.

Lykke also received a recognition for the most read Development Roast blog of 2017, which was titled “If we could measure poverty by gender, what would we find?

Lykke and Boris receiving their certificates for most read INESAD blogs (in English and Spanish, respectively) published in 2017.
Lykke and Boris receiving their certificates for most read INESAD blogs (in English and Spanish, respectively) published in 2017.

To complement these activities, Agnes had organized a series of team building games, which started with a few rounds of Beer Tic-Tac-Toe. Cesar won that activity for Team 1.

Alejandra and Cesar playing (and drinking) Beer Tic-Tac-Toe.
Alejandra and Cesar playing (and drinking) Beer Tic-Tac-Toe.

This was followed by an activity involving chopsticks and some of our stop-complaining-rubber-bands from our Leadership and Communications workshop last week. Team 2 won that activity by rapidly passing their rubber band between all team members and back again.

Fernanda and Levin passing a rubber band on chopsticks.
Fernanda and Levin passing a rubber band on chopsticks.

There was also a competition about scooping plastoform pieces into a bucket on your head, blindfolded. After a couple of ties, Lykke won that activity for Team 1.

Luis and Lykke filling plastoform pieces into a bucket balancing precariously on their head.
Luis and Lykke filling plastoform pieces into a bucket balancing precariously on their head.

Beatriz and Guccio then competed on how many INESAD hands they could recognize by touch alone. That was quite difficult, and ended with a tie, as they both only correctly recognized 1 out of 5.

Guccio, blindfolded, trying to determine the owner of a hand.
Guccio, blindfolded, trying to determine the owner of a hand.

The afternoon ended with a series of guess-a-movie miming activities, which Team 2 was impressively good at. Thus, the whole series of activities ended in a tie, which was probably good, since we didn’t have a prize for the winning team anyway.


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