The 15th annual Dream Team Dart Tournament was held on the 11th of July 2019 at INESAD. It was organized in a hurry, to make sure Alejandro could participate before moving to Washington D.C. to start his new job at the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank. It also almost coincided with INESAD’s 13th anniversary, and below is a group photo, with most of the participants.
As always, the participants were randomly put together into teams of two. Below is a picture of the six winners. Gold went to Lykke and Miguel, with a clear winning performance. The remaining teams were taking forever at reaching their targets, and finally we just gave silver and bronze medals to the last people standing with the highest points, even if they were not from the same teams. In this way, Agnes and Daniel got silver medals, and José Luis and Mario received bronze medals.
It is with immense satisfaction and pride that we are sending off two of our junior researchers on exciting new adventures, both for the second time. Alejandro is now taking up a job at the Research Department at the IDB in Washington D.C. while Agnes has been accepted with a full scholarship for postgraduate studies at Oxford University.
We are sure that both will learn and develop a lot, and that they will come back and apply their knowledge and skills for the benefit of Bolivia. We just hope that all the other amazing Bolivians around the world will do the same.