Data: Collection and Analysis



In addition to conducting research on topics related to sustainable socioeconomic development, INESAD Foundation collects, processes and analyzes qualitative and quantitative data, thus supporting the decision-making process of governments, companies, international organizations, NGOs and other users, which require not only raw data, but also an in-depth analysis of them.

Data collection is done through surveys, focus groups, structured interviews, using various media and supports for data collection, whether digital or physical, and analysis programs such as ODK, ArGis or Stata.

Our own data are used to feed the Foundation’s research in the 5 areas in which we specialize. However, the services we offer to other institutions cover the areas of program and project evaluation, monitoring and perception.

Data collection and analysis allows INESAD to measure and evaluate the relationships between demographic, economic, social and environmental variables to gain a deeper understanding of issues such as basic needs, gender, community development, risk, finance, urban development, etc.


Impact Evaluation of the Sartawi Foundation: Data collection through surveys in municipalities of La Paz and Chuquisaca for the development of a baseline to analyze the impact of the expansion of financial services (new branches) of the Sartawi Foundation. Project coordinated and financed by the University of Groningen. Universidad de Groningen.

FAUTAPO Impact Evaluation: Data collection on the implementation of a geo-referenced information system and internal control system among quinoa producers in the Departments of Oruro and Potosí. Project coordinated and financed by the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) through C4C. (Connect for Change). Instituto Internacional para la Comunicación y el Desarrollo (IICD) a través de C4C (Connect for Change).

PROFIT RURAL Impact Evaluation: Data collection on the implementation of a computer system used by the Community Financial Entities (FINCAFE, FAAAS and AFID). Project coordinated and financed by the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD) through C4C (Connect for Change). Instituto Internacional para la Comunicación y el Desarrollo (IICD)   C4C (Connect for Change).

Diagnosis of risk perception and public and private agricultural insurance in ten municipalities of Bolivia: Data collection through Focus Groups carried out in the Departments of Chuquisaca, Tarija, Cochabamba and La Paz. Project financed by 3ie and coordinated by the University of Navarra. Universidad de Navarra.

Evaluation of the Youth Entrepreneurship Promotion Program: Data collection through surveys conducted in the city of El Alto and focus groups conducted in the city of La Paz, the project was carried out for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

Data collection and analysis services INESAD

For more information, please contact Boris Branisa or Carlos Gustavo Machicado, Senior Researchers at INESAD.

Phone: +591 2 2146069


Address: Prolongación Calle K, Nº 260 – OFISUR, Bajo Auquisamaña


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