The INESAD Foundation has rules that delimit the governance system and the strategic and operational way of working: the Statute and the Internal Regulations. From these are also derived: the Strategic Policies (which order and frame the way of working in its various areas); the management itself, which conceives a Management by Products/Results and consists of the Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI), the Annual Operating Program (POA) and the Annual Budget (PA); and the accountability that is carried out through a system of monitoring and evaluation and external audit.
The Bylaws establish the governance system at three hierarchical levels: a) Deliberative, with the General Assembly of Members; b) Directive, with the Board of Directors; and c) Executive, with the Executive Management.
The General Assembly of Members is the Foundation’s highest deliberative body, and its powers include: appointing its members and the Board of Directors; approving the basic organizational structures (Bylaws and Internal Regulations); and approving the final reports on the Foundation’s management, prepared by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors’ main attribution is to advise and define the strategic guidelines for the optimal management of the Foundation, which are embodied in the Strategic Policies, as well as in the establishment of guidelines for the development of the PEI, the POA and the PA. In addition, the Board of Directors evaluates the results of each year’s management based on the Foundation’s monitoring and evaluation system and external audits.
The Executive Management is the operational arm of the Foundation, and seeks an effective, efficient and economic management based on products and results, and on the norms and values that guide them. The bases of the work are framed in the Strategic Policies, and the management itself is delimited in the PEI, POA and PA.
Finally, the Foundation’s Bylaws establish the Foundation’s Management Support Council, which is a non-hierarchical advisory body to support the successful achievement of the Foundation’s operational management.
Since 2018, INESAD has an operational management under the Project Management approach, which maintains the functional structure, but generates a modular structure, where each Project Leader assumes all activities inherent to the project cycle, including expenses, and is responsible for meeting the objectives effectively.
The following organization chart describes the strategic and operational management of the Foundation:
Economía Ambiental | |
Economía Laboral | |
Economía del Bienestar | |
Macroeconomía |