Retirement Planning for Certified Quinoa Farmers in the Southern Altiplano of Bolivia: Challenges and Opportunities

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Alejandro Herrera y Beatriz Muriel

This paper examines the social protection challenges faced by quinoa farmers in the southern Altiplano of Bolivia, with a focus on certified quinoa producers. Using a mixed- methods approach and insights from existing literature, the study examines the retirement planning and financial literacy of farmers affiliated with RED-QUINUA, a network of Fairtrade®-certified quinoa producer associations in the region. It highlights critical issues such as low participation in the national pension system, lack of retirement planning, and gaps in financial literacy, with particular attention to their disproportionate impact on women producers. To address these challenges, a pilot program was implemented to improve quinoa farmers’ financial literacy and retirement planning. The program provided participants with critical knowledge to formulate their retirement and long-term savings plans. Results from the pilot are encouraging, demonstrating improved financial literacy, increased awareness of retirement planning, and a better understanding of savings options, particularly among women. This study shows that, with appropriate financial and retirement education, quinoa certification premiums could contribute to farmers’ long-term financial security and well-being.
KEYWORDS: Quinoa Production, Retirement Savings, Financial Literacy & Education. JEL CODES: D14, G23, Q12.

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