Evaluating Quinoa Crop Yield in the Face of Agro-climatic Stressors Using the NL-CROP Model
Estimate of the Carbon Footprint in Organic Quinoa Plots in the South of Bolivia – Case Study
Balancing Agricultural Productivity and Nature Conservation in Bolivia
Tracking the trend of quinoa price in Bolivia: Structural breaks and persistence of shocks
Current situation and prospects of the quinoa sector in Bolivia
Engaging gender equality in the economic-productive sphere
Precios y subsidios a los hidrocarburos en Bolivia 1986 – 2025
Hydrocarbon Prices and Subsidies in Bolivia 1986 – 2025
Inclusive growth and decent jobs by gender: the case of urban areas in Bolivia
Evaluación de la incorporación de productores quinueros al Sistema Integrado de Pensiones
By: Ramiro Gamboa Rivera La Paz, march 2023 Abstract This paper describes the current functioning of the retirement system in Bolivia. In addition, I rise scenarios related to old age benefit considering the quinueros; which means projections to the pension amounts that they (quinoa producers) could obtain based on the …
Read moreEvolution of Multidimensional Energy Poverty Risk in Bolivia from 2005 to 2019
By: Javier Aliaga Lordemann Sergio Mansilla La Paz, february 2023 Abstract “Energy poverty” is a multidimensional concept that reflects the need to achieve a variety of wellbeing outcomes, which has been scarcely studied and used in public policy agendas. Considering that the literature on energy poverty is still incipient in …
Read moreAfectaciones del COVID-19 en agricultores del Altiplano boliviano
By: Carlos Gustavo Machicado S. La Paz, august 2022 Abstract This work analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the mitigation measures that were adopted against it in different dimensions related to the agricultural producers of the Bolivian Altiplano, such as employment, income, food security, education and health. For …
Read moreMapeo de posibles instrumentos de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones para la producción de quinua del altiplano boliviano
By: Sheila C. Muriel H. La Paz, july 2022 Abstract The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) existing in agriculture present diverse characteristics and serve multiple purposes; information systems, wireless sensors, drones, etc., are used for the care of resources such as soil and water, the improvement and monitoring of crops …
Read morePromoción del ahorro y ahorro previsional voluntario: Revisión de la literatura
By: Carlos Gustavo Machicado S. La Paz, june 2022 Abstract This document carries out an exhaustive review of the literature, at the microeconomic level, on mainly behavioral problems aimed at promoting voluntary savings for old age (retirement). The different mechanisms and/or tools described have been designed to promote this type …
Read moreThe Bolivian Universal Health System and Effective Access to Healthcare: A Diagnosis
By: Gabriela Alondra Agafitei La Paz, may 2022 Abstract In 2019, the Bolivian government began implementation of the Universal Health Insurance (SUS) scheme, with critics claiming the unpreparedness of the healthcare system to provide universal and free services. To date, there is no research that assesses the effects of the …
Read moreEfecto del COVID-19 en el sistema de intermediación financiera: El caso boliviano
Estimación de la Manutención Infantil para Hogares Monoparentales en las Ciudades Capitales de Bolivia
Cooperación intermunicipal: Revisión rápida de evidencia
Experimental Field Evidence of Common Pool Resources: The Water Judge in Bolivia
Life and Death During the First Six Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An analysis of cross-country differences in changes in quantity and quality of life
El Rol de la Inversión Pública: El Caso de Bolivia
Vehicle fleets path and non-linear ownership elasticity for Bolivia, 2000 – 2035
Effects of interest rate caps on microcredit: evidence from a natural experiment in Bolivia
Construyendo Resiliencia: Índice de vulnerabilidad del sector salud en Bolivia
Doing Business in Bolivia: a case study in the Andean regulatory framework
By: Jorge Ignacio Del Castillo Machicado La Paz, april 2020 Abstract This article researches on the evolution of the business regulatory framework of Bolivia from 2006 to 2017 and its relationship with the country’s Labor productivity, Total Factor Productivity, and its Informal Economy size. To do this, it analyzes the …
Read moreCoworking Spaces in La Paz, Bolivia: Urban Effects and Potential Creation of New Opportunities for Local Economic Development
By: Lucas DuPriest La Paz, december 2019 Abstract This paper investigates the location patterns of coworking spaces, the effects of coworking spaces on the local and urban context, and coworking spaces potential opportunities for the creation of local economic development, issues that have been neglected in a Bolivian context by …
Read moreNatural gas pricing GSA Bolivia – Brazil using virtual hub and expected monetary value instruments
By: Jorge L. Gumucio Sergio M. Medinaceli La Paz, november 2019 Abstract The purpose of this paper is to show the shortcomings of incentive policies, specifically competitiveness, if they are designed without considering fundamentals of market development such as, level of demand, level of investment, and availability of alternative sources …
Read more¿Cuán importante es el empleo exportador en Bolivia?
By: Beatriz Muriel H. Alejandra Terán O. La Paz, november 2019 Abstract The study analyzes – direct and indirect – export employment in Bolivia, using information from both the national accounts of 2005, 2011 and 2014 and the population and housing censuses. The most important result is that the export …
Read moreThirty fourth edition of Economics Research Workshop (ERW)
El día miércoles 07 de octubre se realizó el Economics Research Workshop (ERW) que llegó a su trigésima cuarta versión. Esta versión del evento fue organizada por la Academia Boliviana de Ciencias Económicas (ABCE), la Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia (SEBOL), la Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) junto al Centro de …
Read moreEl Progreso Social en Bolivia: Un Análisis Departamental
By: Luis Fernando Serrudo Carlos Gustavo Machicado Juan Cristobal Birbuet Abstract: This study calculates the Social Progress Index (SPI) for the 9 Departments of Bolivia during the period 2012–2016. The indicators have been calculated by using secondary information from official sources. We observe that the Departments of Santa Cruz and …
Read moreThirty third edition of Economics Research Workshop (ERW)
El día miércoles 4 de septiembre se realizó el Economics Research Workshop (ERW) que llegó a su trigésima tercera versión. Esta versión del evento fue organizada por la Academia Boliviana de Ciencias Económicas (ABCE), la Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia (SEBOL), la Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) y la Fundación INESAD. …
Read moreThe Biological Standard of Living in Urban Bolivia, 1880S – 1920S: Stagnation and Persistent Inequality
By: Boris Branisa José Peres – Cajías Nigel Caspa Abstract: Based on almost 5.000 direct observations on National Identification Cards, this paper offers the first estimation of the evolution of average heights in urban Bolivia for the decades 1880s-1920s. The analysis focuses on men aged 19-50 years registered in the …
Read moreDisparidades Geográficas vs Disparidades en Habilidades de Mujeres Casadas en Ciudades Latinoamericanas: Un Modelo Teórico
By: Paola L. Montero Ledezma Abstract While more married women in cities are part of the workforce, are they doing the jobs for which they have been prepared? How are the wages of this sector of the population formed? How does the spouse/partner’s income or commuting costs affect their employment …
Read moreSetting an example? Spillover effects of Peruvian Magnet Schools
By: Alejandro Herrera Mariel Bedoya Bruno Gonzaga Karen Espinoza Abstract In this paper we use a Multi-Cutoff Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design to evaluate spillover effects of students enrolled into Peruvian public magnet schools, Colegios de Alto Rendimiento (COAR), on educational outcomes of younger students in their schools of origin. Using …
Read moreDe las Causas Próximas a las Causas Profundas del Crecimiento Económico de Bolivia entre 1950 y 2015
By: Abstract This paper analyzes Bolivia’s long-term economic growth between 1950 and 2015, identifying its proximate causes through a growth accounting exercise, which considers the direct and indirect effects of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) on GDP per worker. The novelty is that the measurement of TFP that is …
Read moreEfecto de la inversión extranjera en el dinamismo macro-económico: un análisis empírico para Bolivia
By: Martin Vallejos Tarqui Shirley Navia Cáceres Abstract This study analyses the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) effects on the macroeconomic dynamics of Bolivi-an economy. For this purpose, a Structural Vector Autoregression model (SVAR) is used. The results show the expected signs according to economic theory, which implies a positive effect …
Read moreFluctuaciones Cíclicas y Cambios de Régimen en la Economía Boliviana: Un Análisis Estructural a partir de un Modelo DSGE
By: David Zeballos Coria Juan Carlos Heredia Gómez Paola Yujra Tonconi Abstract The objective of this paper is to evaluate the cyclical behavior of the Bolivian economy based on a Markov-Switching Dynamic General Equilibrium model (MS-DSGE). Using a model for a small open economy, with monetary targeting and foreign-exchange intervention, …
Read moreDescentralización en Bolivia: Eficacia y Externalidades
By: Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros Osmar Bolivar Rosales Abstract This document aims to analyze empirically the effectiveness of decentralization in Bolivia. Effectiveness is understood as the capacity of local administration to cover its local needs. The research measures the effect of the central government’s local investment (the Bolivia Cambia program) on …
Read moreAnálisis de la Desigualdad de Largo Plazo en Bolivia, 1976-2012
By: Luis Fernando Castro Peñarrieta Gustavo Zárate Taborga Valeria Salinas Maceda Abstract Inequality in Bolivia is normally measured through income. However, the construction of a socio-economic index (ISE), using the four available censuses 1976, 1992, 2001 and 2012, permits to analyze inequality in long-term as well as under a …
Read moreRent-seeking en un Entorno de Alta Dependencia de Recursos Naturales: El caso de Bolivia
By: Bernardo X. Fernández Marcelo Gantier Martín Palmero La Paz, September 2018 Abstract Between 2006 and 2014, Bolivia experimented an economic boom period driven mainly by high international prices of commodities. Paradoxically, in the same period, social demands increased and concerns related to the high levels of corruption in public …
Read moreLas Características y el Desarrollo de la Economía Popular Un Modelo Formal con Evidencia Etnográfica
By: Joaquín Morales Valeria Salinas La Paz, September 2018 Abstract We explore reasons underlying the economic prosperity of certain popular merchants in Bolivia. Even if economics often associates popular merchants with poor economic performance and low productivity, anthropological evidence shows the existence of large fortunes in the bolivian popular economy …
Read moreFortalecimiento institucional y expansión del crédito mediante el uso de TICs en Entidades Financieras Comunales en Bolivia
By: Boris Branisa C. Carlos Gustavo Machicado S. Mario Marcelo Arduz R. Abstract This document analyzes the implementation of a financial system (software) for the Community Financial Institutions (CFEs) carried out between 2011 and 2012. The system was a set of financial modules that facilitated the administration of information and …
Read moreMortalidad neonatal en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia: desigualdades territoriales en el acceso a los servicios de salud
By: Inés Valeria Lagrava León La Paz, February 2018 Abstract Despite the efforts made to reduce neonatal mortality in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, and the implementation of the Universal Maternal and Child Health Insurance (SUMI), the data reveal that progress has been slower than achieved in terms of reducing …
Read moreGlobal Value Chains: The case of Bolivia
By: Beatriz Muriel Hernández & Alejandro Herrera J. La Paz, December 2017 Abstract This paper analyzes Bolivian Global Value Chains (GVC) for 2002, 2005 and 2011, using the Vertical Specialization Index (EV) of Hummels et al. (2001) and the measure of Upstreamness of Antràs y Chor (2011) (cited by Antràs et …
Read moreOutliers in semi-parametric Estimation of Treatment Effects
By: Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros, Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza and Luis Castro Peñarrieta October 2017 Abstract Average treatment effects estimands can present significant bias under the presence of outliers. Moreover, outliers can be particularly hard to detect, creating bias and inconsistency in the semi-parametric ATE estimads. In this paper, we use Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate …
Read moreBolivia’s Green National Accounts through a Commodity Super Cycle
By: Luis Carlos Jemio, Lykke E. Andersen & Agnes Medinaceli La Paz, October 2017 Abstract: This paper calculates and analyzes key indicators from Bolivia’s Green National Accounts during the period 1990 – 2015, which covers an entire Commodity Super Cycle. The first half includes the Great Commodities Depression while the second half of …
Read moreMeasuring Equality of Opportunity in Early Childhood: A methodological proposal using Demographic and Health Surveys
By: Lykke E. Andersen, Augustus Griffin, Justus J. Krause & Gabriel Orduña Montekio La Paz, October 2017 Abstract: There is conceptually a big difference between inequality of opportunity and inequality of outcomes, and the policies needed to address the two different kinds of inequality are also very different. However, it is difficult to …
Read moreEnvironmental Accounts of the Pando Department in Bolivia: Application of the Product Input Approach at sub-national level
By: Johnny Suxo La Paz, octubre de 2017 Resumen La estimación de las cuentas ambientales a nivel subnacional es importante en Bolivia, debido a la heterogénea distribución espacial de los activos ambientales en el territorio nacional, en particular para departamentos de escasa diversificación productiva, donde la extracción de recursos naturales …
Read moreA Vulnerability Research Framework for the Development of Early Warning Systems for Floods
Erica Tauzer, Mercy J. Borbor-Cordova, Telmo de la Cuadra, Susana del Granado, Carol Franco-Bellini, Carlos Medina, Jhoyzette Mendoza, Moory M. Romero-Fernandez, Anna M. Stewart-Ibarra La Paz, September 2017 Abstract Flood risk is increasing in urban areas due to increased population and urban development, a changing climate, coastal subsidence, and …
Read moreAn Analysis of Firm Characteristics as Earnings Determinants: The Urban Bolivia Case
Abstract This article analyzes the importance of firm characteristics to explain earnings in urban Bolivia. Initially I propose a new simple theoretical model of segmented labor market where, in equilibrium, individual and firm variables jointly determine earnings at the worker level. The key for achieving this equilibrium is that …
Read moreDependence or Constraints? Cash transfers, labor supply and the process of development
Diego A. Vera Cossio Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego Abstract In this study, I use the timing and eligibility criteria of a large-scale conditional cash transfer program in Bolivian public schools to identify the efect of the program on adults’ labor supply. I find that adult females …
Read moreEarly Flood Warning Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Three Latin American Countries
Susana del Granado, Anna Stewart, Mercy Borbor, Carol Franco, Erica Tauzer, Moory Romero Resumen Los países de América Latina y el Caribe estan afectados por eventos climáticos extremos. En República Dominicana, Ecuador y Bolivia existe un incremento en el riesgo a sucesos extremos en general y a inundaciones en particular. …
Read moreEmisiones Netas de Carbono Provenientes de la Deforestación en Bolivia durante 1990-2000 y 2000-2010: Resultados de un modelo de “Contabilidad de Carbono”
RESUMEN Este documento de investigación estima las emisiones netas de carbono provenientes del cambio en el uso de tierra en Bolivia durante los periodos 1990 – 2000 y 2000 – 2010 utilizando un modelo de contabilidad de carbono que incluye deforestación, degradación de bosques, regeneración de bosques, descomposición y recomposición …
Read moreDecentralization and Poverty Reduction in Bolivia: Challenges and Opportunities
ABTRACT This paper presents an analysis of the decentralization process that has been taking place in Bolivia over the last couple of decades. It starts with a review of the legal framework that determines the distribution of responsibilities and financial resources to the sub-national governments (9 departments and 339 municipalities), …
Read moreThe Bounty of the Sea and Long-Run Development
ABTRACT What is the long run impact on development from differences in subsistence strategies during pre-industrial times? Whereas this question has been explored from the point of view of agriculture, remarkably little attention has been paid to the complementary strategy of relying on marine resources. As a step towards closing …
Read morePobreza, Ingresos Laborales y Trabajo en Bolivia
RESUMEN El presente trabajo de investigación busca contextualizar la pobreza monetaria en Bolivia y, a partir de aquí, establecer la importancia de la situación laboral de los trabajadores del hogar. Las estimaciones muestran que la pobreza ha disminuido de manera importante entre 1999 y 2012; siendo más significativo -en términos …
Read moreCycles versus Trends: The Effects of Economic Growth on Earnings in Bolivia
ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the effects of economic growth on labor earnings in Bolivia during 1999-2012. More precisely, we develop a labor market model to capture both cycle and trend effects of prices, and production on earnings, which is estimated econometrically using pseudo-panel data methods. The results show that labor …
Read moreCapacitación como componente de desarrollo productivo en las microempresas: El Caso de la FEDEMYPE Santa Cruz
RESUMEN Las MYPES son una parte importante de la economía nacional, los microempresarios identifican a la falta de capacitación como un factor determinante para mejorar su productividad; sin embargo, cuando se les pregunta qué tipo de capacitación necesitan, no existe consenso sobre sus necesidades. El presente estudio de caso busca …
Read moreSocial institutions and gender inequality in fragile states: are they relevant for the post-MDG debate?
ABSTRACT We focus on an issue that appears particularly relevant for fragile states and which has received little attention: social institutions related to gender inequality, defined as societal practices and legal norms that frame gender roles and the distribution of power between men and women in the family, market, and …
Read moreAnálisis de contexto de la situación productiva y laboral de Cochabamba
RESUMEN La presente investigación indaga en las características productivas y laborales de la economía departamental de Cochabamba y de su región metropolitana, a partir del uso de información del Censo 2012 y datos del INE para el periodo 2004-2013. Con base en este objetivo, el estudio centra su atención en …
Read moreFlujos físicos y monetarios relacionados a los recursos hídricos en las ciudades de La Paz y El Alto
RESUMEN El propósito de este documento es coadyuvar a hacer un uso sostenible del agua en las ciudades de La Paz y el Alto, identificando los puntos donde la economía de estas ciudades ejerce mayor presión sobre este recurso y las necesidades de intervención. Con este fin, hicimos una radiografía …
Read moreFormación para el trabajo en Bolivia: La paradoja de un país extractivo
RESUMEN ¿Ayuda la existencia de recursos extractivos a la formación de recursos humanos, concretamente a la formación técnica? La evidencia empírica es poco concluyente. Para el caso de Bolivia se muestra que la actividad extractiva sin agregación de valor, no genera demanda por personas calificadas y por tanto no emite señales claras hacia …
Read moreAn agriculture-focused, regionally disaggregated SAM for Mexico 2008
ABSTRACT This paper describes the construction of a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Mexican economy for year 2008. It presents the methodology and data sources used, assumptions made, criteria adopted to disaggregate the SAM’s accounts and the main results obtained. The Mexico SAM was built as the main data …
Read moreRegional development, income distribution and gender in Bolivia: Insights from a 2012 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and Multiplier Analysis
ABSTRACT This paper describes the construction of the most detailed, openly accessible Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Bolivia to date. In addition to allowing for “standard” socio-economic analysis common for SAMs – like assessing the linkages between production, factor income distribution and households’ incomes and expenditures – the SAM presented …
Read moreDesafíos del Sistema Educativo Boliviano
ABSTRACT Este estudio analiza los desafíos que confronta el sistema educativo boliviano, que son necesarios abordar para que el país pueda reducir las brechas existentes en relación a los demás países de la región, que han alcanzado un mayor desarrollo y bienestar. Bolivia presenta brechas significativas en cuanto al nivel …
Read moreGender and Climate Change in Latin America: An analysis of vulnerability, adaptation and resilience based on household surveys
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes gender differences in vulnerability and resilience to shocks, including climate change and climate variability, for Peru, Brazil and Mexico, which together account for more than half the population in Latin America. Vulnerability and resilience indicators are measured by a combination of the level of household incomes …
Read moreGender, Ethnicity and Climate Change in Mexico: An analysis of vulnerability and resilience based on household surveys
ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes gender and ethnic differences in vulnerability and resilience to external shocks and stresses in Mexico. Vulnerability and resilience are measured by a combination of the level of household incomes per capita and the degree of diversification of these incomes. Thus, households which have poorly diversified incomes …
Read moreCuando las Mujeres son las que Mandan: Efecto del Ahorro en el Empoderamiento de la Mujer Boliviana
ABSTRACT La presente investigacion contribuye con evidencia acerca del efecto del ahorro en cuatro medidas de empoderamiento femenino. Estimamos un modelo de tratamiento endogeno para el acceso a ahorro en el sistema formal en 2004 utilizando como variable de exclusion el numero de agencias de servicios nancieros por cada 1.000 habitantes a nivel …
Read more¿Es Posible Construir Beneficios Mutuos entre Comunidades y Empresas Mineras?: El Caso San Cristóbal
RESUMEN El documento ─basado en la metodología de estudios de caso─ analiza los procesos de negociación y acuerdos entre la explotación minería privada y las comunidades implicadas en el pueblo de San Cristóbal y regiones aledañas, mostrando que es posible generar juegos cooperativos entre los actores involucrados con ganancias netas …
Read moreGlobalization, Peace & Stability, Governance, and Knowledge Economy
ABSTRACT A previous analysis of the impact of formal institutions on the knowledge economy of 22 Middle-Eastern and Sub-Sahara African countries during the 1996-2010 time period concluded that formal institutions were necessary, but inadequate, determinants of the knowledge economy. To extend that study, this paper claims that globalization induces peace …
Read moreWage Differentials: Trade Openness and Wage Bargaining
ABSTRACT We build a theoretical model that incorporates unionization in the labor market into a Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson (HOS) framework to investigate the impact of unionization on the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem. To capture the American economy case, we assume that unskilled labor in the manufactured goods sector is unionized, and that sector is intensive in skilled …
Read moreInformation technologies and provision of national identification cards by the Bolivian Police: Evidence from two randomized natural field experiments
ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the potential of information technologies to improve public service delivery and empower citizens in the context of two unusual randomized natural experiments occurring within one particular bureaucratic process: the renewal of a national identication card by the Bolivian Police. The rst experiment arises from the random assignment of both …
Read moreConstruyendo resiliencia ante shocks adversos: Factores y estrategias asociadas a la vulnerabilidad y la resiliencia
RESUMEN Este documento presenta una metodología para medir la diversificación de los medios de vida de los hogares. Esta medida, junto a los niveles de ingresos de los hogares, nos permite clasificarlos según la vulnerabilidad que estos pudieran tener. Aplicamos análisis de regresión para detectar los factores y estrategias asociadas …
Read moreUnderstanding and Information Failures in Insurance: Evidence from India
ABSTRACT: This paper is an attempt to understand the factors behind low contract renewal rates frequently observed in insurance programs in poor countries. This is done on the basis of the experience of a microinsurance health program in India. We show that deficient information about the insurance product and the …
Read moreImpact of natural disaster on public sector corruption
ABSTRACT: This paper uses inter-country panel data obtained during the period 1990–2010 to examine how the occurrence of natural disasters has affected corruption within the public sector. There are a number of new findings from this study. (1) Disaster with the large amount of damage increase corruption not only for …
Read moreThe Impact of Formal Institutions on Knowledge Economy
ABSTRACT: Using Kauffman, Kraay, and Mastruzzi governance indicators, this article analyzes the impact of formal institutions on the knowledge economy- by assessing how the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) through good governance mechanisms affects the knowledge economy. The article also employs the World Bank’s four components of the knowledge …
Read moreA Measurement of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Guadua Angustifolia in the Carrasco National Park, Bolivia
ABSTRACT: The carbon sequestration potential of an unmanaged and previously unstudied Guadua angustifolia bamboo forest in the Carrasco National Park of Bolivia has been studied, by estimating the total aboveground biomass contained in the forest. It was found that the aboveground biomass consisting of stems, branches, and foliage, contains a …
Read moreProblematizing the Effect of Rural-Urban Linkages on Food Security and Malnutrition in Guatemala´s Western Highlands
ABSTRACT: Strong rural-urban linkages are increasingly seen as key to achieving sustainable livelihoods and food security in developing countries. However, not all linkages are positive and, although this is recognised in literature, few explore their potential unfavourable characteristics. Based on twelve weeks fieldwork in Guatemala this paper aims to contribute …
Read moreBuilding Resilence against Adverse Shocks: What are the determinants of vulnerability and resilence?
ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a simple way to measure livelihood diversification, and uses this measure together with income levels to classify Bolivian households by level of vulnerability. Regression analysis is then carried out to determine the factors and strategies associated with high resilience or high vulnerability. The results show that …
Read moreGlobal dynamic timelines for IPRS harmonization
Abstract This paper employs a recent methodological innovation on intellectual property rights (IPRs) harmonization to project global timelines for common policies against business software piracy. The findings on 99 countries are premised on 15 fundamental characteristics of software piracy based on income-levels (high- ncome, lower-middle-income, upper-middle-income and low-income), legal-origins (English …
Read moreEmpleo y Regulación Laboral: Análisis Empírico de Las Firmas Manufactureras Bolivianas, 1988-2007
Abstract: El estudio analiza el empleo en las empresas manufactureras registradas bolivianas durante 1988-2007, estableciendo su relación con la regulación laboral a partir de indicadores de flujos y funciones de demanda. Los flujos de empleo muestran que las empresas con altas tasas de trabajadores temporales, comparativamente con aquellos permanentes asalariados, …
Read moreDoes Licensing Induce Technological Spillovers to Domestic Firms?
Abstract Productivity differences can explain differences in economic growth across countries. It has been demonstrated that the presence of a foreign-owned multinational enterprise (MNE) in a developing country is one of the most important methods through which technology transfer occurs. This presence could be in the form of foreign direct …
Read morePeer Effects in Risk Aversion
Abstract Using data on Uruguayan adolescents, we estimate peer effects in risk attitudes. Relative risk aversion is elicited in an experimental setting. Identification is based on parents not being able to choose the class within the school of their choice. After controlling for school-grade fixed effect and addressing endogeneity due …
Read moreFighting software piracy: Which governance tools matter in Africa?
Abstract: This article integrates previously missing components of government quality into the governance-piracy nexus in exploring governance mechanisms by which global obligations for the treatment of IPRs are effectively transmitted from international to the national level in the battle against piracy. It assesses the best governance tools in the fight …
Read moreNews, Noise, and Fluctuations: An Empirical Exploration
Abstract: We explore empirically models of aggregate fluctuations with two basic ingredients: agents form anticipations about the future based on noisy sources of information and these anticipations affect spending and output in the short run. Our objective is to separate fluctuations due to actual changes in fundamentals (news) from those due to temporary errors …
Read moreExportaciones y Empleo en Bolivia
Abstract: La investigación analiza el desempeño de las exportaciones en Bolivia a la luz de los empleos que genera, directos e indirectos, con los siguientes resultados destacables: i) la creación de fuentes laborales se ha concentrado en los bienes no tradicionales ya que son intensivos en este factor de producción; …
Read moreEmployment and Labor Regulation: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Bolivia, 1988-2007
Abstract: This paper analyzes employment in Bolivian registered manufacturing firms during 1988 to 2007, establishing its relationship with labor regulation. Estimating job flows, we find that firms with high temporary worker rates (less labor regulation costs) are those with both higher job reallocation rates and higher net employment growth, and …
Read moreBureaucratic delay, local-level monitoring, and delivery of small infrastructure projects: Evidence from a field experiment in Bolivia
ABSTRACT: This paper examines bureaucratic delay within the allocation of small infrastructure projects by sub municipal governments in Bolivia, and it presents a randomized eld experiment designed to improve public service delivery by promoting voice, transparency, and accountability among grassroots organizations. The experiment consists of randomly providing sub municipal governments …
Read moreImpactos socio-económicos y ambientales de compensaciones por la reducción de emisiones de deforestación en Bolivia: Resultados del modelo OSIRIS-Bolivia
Bolivia tiene un gran potencial para mitigar el cambio climático a través de la reducción de la deforestación. Mientras que las posibles complicaciones han sido intensamente debatidas, se ha realizado poco análisis cuantitativo al respecto. Introducimos el modelo OSIRIS-Bolivia con el fin de crear una base cuantitativa para la toma …
Read moreInfluence of age of child on differences in life satisfaction of males and females: A comparative study among East Asian countries
ABSTRACT: Using individual-level data for China,South Korea, and Japan for2006, this research examines how life satisfaction for married males and femalesin East Asian countries isinfluenced bythe age of theirchildren. Our results show that the life satisfaction of males is barely affected by a child of the relationship, whereas the life …
Read moreProductivity, Structural Change, and Latin American Development
ABSTRACT: We calibrate a simple neoclassical model of structural transformation to a set of Latin American countries and show that slow growth in agricultural productivity can substantially delay the development process and result in signicant dierences in per capita incomes. Some of our results indicate that low agricultural productivity delayed …
Read moreEnvironmental and socio-economic consequences of forest carbon payments in Bolivia: Results of the OSIRIS-Bolivia model
ABSTRACT: Bolivia has significant potential to abate climate change by reducing deforestation. This opportunity presents economic and environmental tradeoffs. While these tradeoffs have been hotly debated, they have as yet been the subject of little quantitative analysis. We introduce the OSIRIS-Bolivia model to provide a quantitative basis for decision-making. OSIRIS-Bolivia …
Read moreEarthquakes and Economic Growth
ABSTRACT: This study explores the economic consequences of earthquakes. In particular, it is investigated how exposure to earthquakes afects economic growth both across and within countries. The key result of the empirical analysis is that while there are no observable efects at the country level, earthquake exposure signicantly decreases 5-year …
Read moreEspacio y Desarrollo Municipal en Bolivia
ABSTRACT: La economía regional ha sido hasta ahora considerada en la literatura sobre desarrollo económico e inversión en Bolivia, sin embargo, en la mayoría de los trabajos no se había tomado en cuenta la posibilidad de existencia de autocorrelación espacial; es decir, que el valor observado en un sitio depende …
Read moreTowards Universalism? The Obstructed Process Of Healthcare Reform In Bolivia
ABSTRACT: In this article a process-tracing approach is used to explore how different factors have contributed to the development of healthcare policy in Bolivia, in light of the current proposal to introduce a unified public healthcare system. The main findings are that although international relations and state bureaucrats have been …
Read moreMatriculacion y trabajo infantil en Bolivia
ABSTRACT: El presente documento contribuye con evidencia acerca del impacto ex-post al programa de transferencias condicionales Bono Juancito Pinto en las escuelas públicas de Bolivia. Con el fin de identificar correctamente a los potenciales beneficiarios y evitar problemas de endogeneidad y sesgo de selección, se evalúa el efecto del anuncio …
Read moreAgricultura y Empleo Rural Agropecuario en Bolivia
ABSTRACT: Los controles de precios son medidas que pueden afectar considerablemente a los sectores sujetos a dichas políticas. Mediante un modelo de equilibrio general dinámico estocastico con dos tipos de agentes: campesinos y citadinos, calibrado para Bolivia, se muestra que ante caidas en la productividad del sector agropecuario, el empleo …
Read moreForeign Aid – A Fillip for Development or a Fuel for Corruption?
ABSTRACT: We present an analysis of the effects of foreign aid on economic development when the quality of governance may be compromised by corruption. The analysis is based on a dynamic general equilibrium model in which growth is driven by capital accumulation and public policy is administered by government-appointed bureaucrats. …
Read moreCostos laborales, economia informal y reformas a la legistacion laboral en Bolivia
ABSTRACT: Se desarrolla y ajusta un modelo de equilibrio general dinamico y estocastico con 2 sectores, el formal y el informal, para la economia boliviana. El objetivo del modelo es evaluar los impactos de las ultimas reformas laborales sobre el empleo, los salarios y el producto. En concreto, analizo el …
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