Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros

Descentralización en Bolivia: Eficacia y Externalidades

Por: Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros Osmar Bolivar Rosales Resumen El presente documento pretende analizar empíricamente la eficacia de la descentralización en Bolivia, entendida ésta como la capacidad de la administración municipal para cubrir sus necesidades locales. Asimismo, se busca medir las externalidades emergentes de la inversión del gobierno central en obras …

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Outliers in semi-parametric Estimation of Treatment Effects

By: Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros, Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza and Luis Castro Peñarrieta October 2017 Abstract Average treatment effects estimands can present significant bias under the presence of outliers. Moreover, outliers can be particularly hard to detect, creating bias and inconsistency in the semi-parametric ATE estimads. In this paper, we use Monte Carlo simulations …

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Understanding and Information Failures in Insurance: Evidence from India

ABSTRACT: This paper is an attempt to understand the factors behind low contract renewal rates frequently observed in insurance programs in poor countries. This is done on the basis of the experience of a microinsurance health program in India. We show that deficient information about the insurance product and the …

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