Documentos de trabajo

Trade, FDI, Growth and Poverty in Bolivia

ABSTRACT: After several decades of “state-capitalism” characterized by import substitution policies, Bolivia implemented in 1985 a New Economic Policy (NEP) following neo-liberal ideas of free trade, privatization, and liberalization of capital flows. It was hoped that the opening up of the economy would attract foreign direct investment (FDI) which in …

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Macroeconomic Policies to Increase Social Mobility and Growth in Bolivia

ABSTRACT: Poverty in Bolivia continues to be among the highest in Latin America despite decades of concerted national and international efforts to reduce it. Bolivia has meticulously followed the recommendations of the Washington consensus at the same time as external aid has been generous and foreign direct investment has boomed. …

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Análisis Estadístico y Económico sobre las Características de la Permanencia y Acceso Diferenciado por Género en el Sistema Educativo Boliviano a Nivel Municipal

ABSTRACT: Las últimas dos décadas han visto mejoramientos sustanciales en la asistencia escolar de niñas en América Latina, hasta el punto que, en la mayoría de los países, más niñas que niños asisten a las escuelas. Sin embargo, Bolivia es una excepción, especialmente en áreas rurales donde la brecha educativa …

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Employment-Poverty Linkages and Policies: The Case of Bolivia

ABSTRACT: This study focuses on analysing the linkages between output growth, employment and poverty, at both the macro and micro levels. At the macro level, the linkage between poverty and output growth is conceptualised in terms of the average productivity of the employed work force, which in turn gets reflected …

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Proyecciones de Población y Pobreza para Nicaragua 1995 – 2015.

ABSTRACT: Este documento presenta proyecciones detalladas de población y pobreza que consideren los cambios demográficos y económicos esperados (esto último en términos de fecundidad, mortalidad, migración, educación y crecimiento del PIB) y sus reflejos en la movilidad económica por tipo de hogar. Las proyecciones de este tipo podrían ser útiles …

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Population and Poverty Projections for Nicaragua 1995 – 2015.

ABSTRACT: This paper makes detailed population and poverty projections that take into account expected demographic changes (in terms of fertility, mortality, migration, and education) as well as differentials in social mobility by household type. Such projections could be useful for a variety of purposes ranging from assessment of necessary social …

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La Efectividad de la Ayuda Externa en Bolivia

ABSTRACT: This document investigates the effectiveness of foreign aid in Bolivia. When comparing accumulated aid in each sector during the period 1998-2002 with the progress in each sector during the same period, it becomes clear that the four sectors receiving by far the most aid (Institutional strengthening, Rural Development, Roads, …

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The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Bolivia

ABSTRACT: This document investigates the effectiveness of foreign aid in Bolivia. When comparing accumulated aid in each sector during the period 1998-2002 with the progress in each sector during the same period, it becomes clear that the four sectors receiving by far the most aid (Institutional strengthening, Rural Development, Roads, …

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