Carlos Gustavo Machicado

Trigésima cuarta edición de Economics Research Workshop (ERW)

El día miércoles 07 de octubre se realizó el Economics Research Workshop (ERW) que llegó a su trigésima cuarta versión. Esta versión del evento fue organizada por la Academia Boliviana de Ciencias Económicas (ABCE), la Sociedad de Economistas de Bolivia (SEBOL), la Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) junto al Centro de …

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El Progreso Social en Bolivia: Un Análisis Departamental

Por: Luis Fernando Serrudo Carlos Gustavo Machicado Juan Cristobal Birbuet Resumen: En este documento de trabajo se presenta el cálculo del Índice de Progreso Social (IPS) para los 9 Departamentos de Bolivia en el período 2012–2016. Los indicadores fueron construidos con base en información secundaria de fuentes oficiales. Los resultados …

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De las Causas Próximas a las Causas Profundas del Crecimiento Económico de Bolivia entre 1950 y 2015

Por: Carlos Gustavo Machicado S.   Resumen  Este trabajo analiza el crecimiento económico de largo plazo de Bolivia entre 1950 y 2015, identificando sus causas próximas a través de un ejercicio de contabilidad del crecimiento, que considera los efectos directos e indirectos de la Productividad Total de Factores (PTF) sobre …

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Fortalecimiento institucional y expansión del crédito mediante el uso de TICs en Entidades Financieras Comunales en Bolivia

Por: Boris Branisa C. Carlos Gustavo Machicado S. Mario Marcelo Arduz R. Resumen Este documento analiza la implementación de un sistema financiero (software) para las Entidades Financieras Comunales (EFC) que se realizó entre los años 2011 y 2012, el cual fue un conjunto de módulos financieros que facilitaban la administración …

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Information technologies and provision of national identification cards by the Bolivian Police: Evidence from two randomized natural field experiments

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates the potential of information technologies to improve public service delivery and empower citizens in the context of two unusual randomized natural experiments occurring within one particular bureaucratic process: the renewal of a national identication card by the Bolivian Police. The rst experiment arises from the random assignment of both …

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Empleo y Regulación Laboral: Análisis Empírico de Las Firmas Manufactureras Bolivianas, 1988-2007

Abstract: El estudio analiza el empleo en las empresas manufactureras registradas bolivianas durante 1988-2007, estableciendo su relación con la regulación laboral a partir de indicadores de flujos y funciones de demanda. Los flujos de empleo muestran que las empresas con altas tasas de trabajadores temporales, comparativamente con aquellos permanentes asalariados, …

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Employment and Labor Regulation: Evidence from Manufacturing Firms in Bolivia, 1988-2007

Abstract: This paper analyzes employment in Bolivian registered manufacturing firms during 1988 to 2007, establishing its relationship with labor regulation. Estimating job flows, we find that firms with high temporary worker rates (less labor regulation costs) are those with both higher job reallocation rates and higher net employment growth, and …

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Bureaucratic delay, local-level monitoring, and delivery of small infrastructure projects: Evidence from a field experiment in Bolivia

ABSTRACT: This paper examines bureaucratic delay within the allocation of small infrastructure projects by sub municipal governments in Bolivia, and it presents a randomized eld experiment designed to improve public service delivery by promoting voice, transparency, and accountability among grassroots organizations. The experiment consists of randomly providing sub municipal governments …

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Productivity, Structural Change, and Latin American Development

ABSTRACT: We calibrate a simple neoclassical model of structural transformation to a set of Latin American countries and show that slow growth in agricultural productivity can substantially delay the development process and result in signicant dierences in per capita incomes. Some of our results indicate that low agricultural productivity delayed …

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Aporte de los Servicios Ecosistémicos Silvícolas a la Economía Boliviana

ABSTRACT: El presente estudio estima el aporte de los servicios ecosistémicos a la economía y al PIB del sector de Silvicultura, Caza y Pesca, usando dos metodologías complementarias. La primera basada en el Manual de Cuentas Nacionales que considera que el capital natural y específicamente su renta forma parte del …

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Effects of the Global Financial and Economic Crisis on the Bolivian Economy: A CGE Approach

ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Bolivian economy. The PEP 1-1 Standard Model has been employed to analyze the effects of a reduction in (i) the world export prices of mining and agriculture, (ii) the world demand of textiles, and (iii) transfers to …

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Public Expenditure Policy in Bolivia: Growth and Welfare

ABSTRACT: It has been widely documented that fiscal policy can promote economic growth, when it is based on an efficient provision of pubic capital. But little work has been done, in Bolivia, in relation to the macroeconomic and sectoral impacts of increasing public investment in infrastructure. This paper develops a …

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La Economía del Cambio Climático en Bolivia: Impactos en hidroenergía

ABSTRACT En este estudio se analizan los efectos del cambio climático sobre el sector de energía eléctrica en Bolivia, tomando como base las proyecciones realizadas por el modelo de equilibrio general computable. El cambio climático afectaría a la generación de energía hidroeléctrica a través del efecto sobre los caudales de …

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Understanding Productivity Levels, Dispersion and Growth in the Leather Shoe Industry: Effects of Size and Informality

ABSTRACT: In this case study performed on the industrial sub-sector of manufacture of leather shoes in Bolivia, we use the Hsieh and Klenow model (2008) to determine the differences between productivity of larger and formal companies and productivity of smaller and informal companies. Our results reveal that there are not …

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Technological Progress and Productivity in the Quinoa Sector

ABSTRACT: The main objective of this case study is to analyze the effect that a significant technological innovation in quinoa processing has had on the productivity of companies devoted to this activity and the impact of such an innovation on the growth and organization of the quinoa cluster in Bolivia, …

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Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in the Market Liberalization Period of Bolivia

ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes productivity levels, dispersion and growth in the Bolivian Manufacturing Sector during the Market Liberalization Period: 1988-2001. These years are characterized first, by a period of macroeconomic stabilization and 1st Generation Reforms (1988-1993), second, by a period of privatization and 2nd Generation Reforms (1994-1997) and third, by …

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Macroeconomic and Welfare Effects of Public Infrastructure Investment in Five Latin American Countries

ABSTRACT: It has been widely documented that investment in infrastructure is important for economic growth, but little work has been done in relation to the impact of infrastructure investment on other macroeconomic variables. This paper develops a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model of a small open economy to study …

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La Enseñanza de Economía en Bolivia y Chile

ABSTRACT: El estudio realiza un análisis estadístico de la enseñanza de la economía a nivel de pre-grado en Bolivia y Chile respondiendo una serie de interrogantes relativas a la estructura de la carrera, los métodos de enseñanza, la percepción de los alumnos con respecto a la universidad, a los economistas, …

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Growth and Banking Structure in a Partially Dollarized Economy

ABSTRACT: This article illustrates how the industrial organization of a banking system affects economic growth in a partially dollarized economy. I study a model where banking competition has some potentially good and some potentially bad effects for growth. I analyze how important they are quatitatively and, surprisingly, they do not …

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¿Qué hace la Diferencia para el Logro de una Mayor Productividad Laboral? Caso de los Países de Bajos Ingresos en América Latina

ABSTRACT: El presente estudio analiza la hipótesis según la cual, las condiciones empresariales externas adversas a las que deben hacer frente las compañías en los países pobres de América Latina, podrían constituir una importante explicación de los generalmente bajos niveles de productividad de estos países. Sin embargo, resultados empíricos basados …

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Welfare Gains from Optimal Policy in a Partially Dollarized Economy

ABSTRACT: This paper evaluates welfare under optimal monetary and fiscal policy in a dynamic stochastic model of currency substitution and capital. It shows that in a partially dollarized economy, the main optimal policy results, i.e. the Friedman Rule and the zero capital tax, hold. Welfare implications of these optimal policies …

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Liquidity Shocks and the Dollarization of a Banking System

ABSTRACT: This paper shows how uncertainty about liquidity demand can lead to a high degree of dollarization in the banking system. I study a model where the demand for currency in each period is random, and where it is easier for banks to borrow in local currency in times of …

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